
My interview @ YA Gotta Meet

Just to let you know that the amazing Kris at Voracious YAppetite has a very cool feature called YA Gotta Meet every Friday, to link with the Book Blogger Hop meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books, where she interviews some bloggers she discovered !

Aaaaaand she chose to interview me this week (Who's blushing heavily ? Not me. Nope. Not at all.), you can check it out here !

Thanks Kris !!! You're awesome ! (I only take cash for bribe money ;-) )

By the way, if you haven't been on her blog yet, don't hesitate to follow all her interesting features !!!


  1. I've just popped over to Voracious YAppetite, and it's a great interview! You go, girl! :)

  2. I came over from Voracious YAppetite too! Excellent interview. I'm excited to add you to my daily reads list.

  3. That is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heading over there now!

  4. I just read the interview you did one the site! Great one!
