
Curse of the Wolf Girl - Martin Millar

Title: Curse of the Wolf Girl
(Book 2 after Lonely Werewolf Girl)

Author: Martin Millar

Publisher: Piatkus
Category: Adult, Horror
Release Date: 2010
Source: Bought in WHSmith
Paperback : 534 pages

Summary from Amazon:
Scottish teenage werewolf Kalix MacRinnalch is in London trying to settle down and live a normal life. Her new friends support her as she goes to college to learn to read and write, but her old enemies won't leave her alone. Many powerful werewolves want Kalix dead, and the Guild of Werewolf Hunters is still dedicated to wiping out the entire MacRinnalch werewolf clan. Life might be easier for Kalix if her werewolf family were able to help, but her sister the Enchantress needs all of her sorcerous powers to locate the perfect pair of high heels, her brother Markus is busy in Scotland organising an opera, and her cousin Dominil is engaged in her own merciless vendetta with her enemies. Kalix must carry on alone but she's finding it difficult enough to pay the rent and cope with her anxiety and depression, while struggling with werewolf hunters and exams at the same time...


Curse of the Wolf Girl is the sequel to the amazing Lonely Werewolf Girl (my review here), please don't read what follows if you haven't read the first one!!

Awww isn't my Spoiler Alert bat the cutest thing ever?!!

This book is awesome and reviewing it will only butcher the masterpiece. 
Don't read it and go buy the book instead :) 

In this story, the werewolf Kalix MacRinnalch is settling down in Daniel and Moonglow's flat in  London in a relatively safe situation. Though half of the werewolf Council wants her dead, her family protects her and hides her from them. Vex, the young Fire Elemental, is also settling down in Daniel and Moonglow's attic, and both of the girls go to remedial college to learn how to read and write and try to blend in. Which proves to be much mush harder than it seemed...

Thrix (the werewolf sorceress, Kalix's sister and incidentally fashion designer) and Malveria (Fire Elemental, Aunt to Vex and Queen of the Hiyastas) are still deeply passionate about fashion, more than anything else. They are still hated by the vile Princess Kabachetka who wants to be the most fashionable and heir to the throne of the Hainustas. A lot of serious and less serious drama ensues... 
I feel all of a sudden very blessed not to care about fashion...

Dominil, the white-haired wolf, is back in London to help Beauty and Delicious, the blue and pink-haired wolves, become rock stars (with integrity) helping them rehearse and finding gigs - all this with Pete the guitarist falling in love with her and one of her old College acquaintance wanting to kill her.

Decembrius, after being a follower of Sarapen, is finding himself unwilling to go back to Castle MacRinnalch and is wandering in London to find Kalix. Eventually, he isn't looking to kill her.

I want to profess my love for the character of Vex. She is the most hilarious person ever (though, technically, she is a Fire Elemental) and you are in for quite a laugh whenever she is around. This girl is a jinx for all those around but she has some serious style. I loved the interaction between Kalix and Decembrius,  and I can't wait for a third book to read more about them!!

I absolutely love this book and I am putting it among my favourite books of all time. Really. I am loving all the strong female characters, the incredible plot and the werewolf/fire elementals mythology. The book takes all the awesomeness from Lonely Werewolf Girl and mixes it with additional greatness. It is pure pleasure!

If you are not blown away by the world depicted brilliantly by Martin Millar, you will be entranced by his characters, all thoroughly original, his fantastic story-telling skills and his sensational sense of humour which breaks through every line. 
If you are still not interested by the book, I'm afraid nothing can be done for you anymore.
That I loved this book doesn't even cover it. Curse of the Wolf Girl, with Lonely Werewolf Girl, goes beyond this. It is one of my book soulmates, if there is such a thing, with everything I love in a book, plus all the things I secretly like but would never admit and all those I never knew I liked.

Anyways, I'm not sure if I managed to show how much I really liked this book... *grin*
Seriously people, read it, it is made of awesome! 

1 comment:

  1. I completely know what you mean about book soulmates. That's a lovely image! These sound really different from what I usually read somehow... kind of edgier? But pretty great. :D
