
Sunday Brunch #7

Hello shiny happy people!

Sunday Brunch is a feature where I talk about books without it being a review (where I only talk about one book and its themes) or a meme (because it doesn't leave much place to debate sometimes).

I have been a terrible blogger for the past two weeks *hangs head in shame* but shall make it up to you (I hope!)!!



I received an adorable award from Adam @ Roof Beam Reader (link to the award here) and it totally made my day. Adam is a wonderful blogger and each of his reviews or articles are well researched and insightful, if you haven't been on his blog yet - go give him some love now!

So My One Year 
Blogoversary has passed and I have quite a few signed books to giveaway - how do you think I should proceed? I am thinking about organising a massive Treasure Hunt through the world wide web, (I just love the craziness of this idea!) 

If you have any ideas please pass them along :D The most inventive treasure hunt idea will win this exclusive and mega rare signed copy of Romeo and Juliet!

(This is a joke by the way but I can send you the book for fun's sake)



I have been reading books/manuscripts for work these past two weeks so not a lot of blog-related books but I read Before I Die by the incredibly talented Jenny Downham. I have read and loved her second book You Against Me and I wanted to do a "Double Bill" with her first (which I'll publish most probably next week!). I have also done an impulsive-buy-and-read with the graphic novel Kick-Ass (Hit-Girl cover *of course*) and I just loved it so much! I read it in one sitting and loved how the film was a great adaptation! Review to come soon I expect!


Stuff I read and want to share:

Digital vs. Print: Who Will Win?
So it has started a bit in the second half of 2010 but in 2011 the war is ON! Indeed, digital may take over print sales in books. The question for you guys is: Team Digital or Team Print? (Digital may "overtake" print sales by 2014 | The Bookseller)

Philip Pullman tells people to leave libraries alone on False Economy.

io9 asks if the next step in young adult fantasy/SF is monthly serialized novels, what do you think?

The Young Adult Fantasy Guide made a list of the best Mermaid books for young adult (here).

Every week, the super talented Sarwat Chadda reviews and interviews amazing YA authors for his Kiss Me Kill Me series (check out his posts here!)

Sarah Rees Brennan tells you to write the change you want to see in the world (here)

YA author Zoë Marriott tells you to wake up and smell the real world. Go read her wonderful article on Diversity in YA (here).

Are you still fuzzy on the what and why and where and when of an ARC? Go read this on Waxman Literary Agency!

Interesting article about Fantasy and SF covers (What's the story behind genre fiction's covers? | The Guardian)

An author deeply upset about people thinking downloading a free book isn't theft.

Iceland might be one of the first countries to digitise all its literature (All Icelandic literature to go online? | Internet Archive blogs).

So Melvin Burgess raves about Laurie Halse Anderson's Wintergirls in The Observer (which is good)... by taking a dig at YA literature (which is not so good)... (link here)

Are you a fan of Paranormal Romance? Do you want to know more about it by asking questions to Lauren Kate, Karen Mahoney and Amy Meredith? Well lucky you, Jo @ Once Upon A Bookcase is organising a virtual panel on Paranormal Romance, head over here for more details!

Are you a fan of Jean M. Auel? would you like to be part of bringin Ayla to life? Head over Earth's Children facebook page for more info!

I read a fascinating article on the Guardian today about the fact that everyone now can be a critique through blogs, facebook, twitter etc. and that the real critiques are having a tough time. The article also talks about the difference in tastes/opinions between elitist critiques and popular culture fan population in America (Everyone's a critic now | The Guardian)


That is all now!

Have a lovely Sunday evening!

x Caroline


  1. Great summary! Go Phillip Pullman but shame about Melvin Burgess. I used to be a fan (think I still am) but it's definitely bothered me.

    Happy Sunday.

  2. Love your links, especially Zoe Marriott's post.

    But really, would Shakespeare autograph a book using a quote by Milton? (or at least I think it is... could be wrong, lol).

    No idea about the treasure hunt, but I'd love to take part :)

  3. @Alessandra: you gave me a scare! I just googled "funny Shakespeare quote" and found that one without checking. But it was indeed said by Shakespeare (though Milton might have said it as well)!
    Yay if you want to participate in the treasure hunt!!

  4. Hey Caroline, I love your Sunday posts, you find such interesting links for me to check out!

    A treasure hunt sounds like a fun idea but I'm completely clueless when it comes to ideas for it. I'll let you know if I think of anything & look forward to seeing what you come up with :o)

  5. Oh! I've only just seen this - thanks for linking to me!
