
Foreign Book Covers - Charlie Higson

Hello book lovers!

I hope you are all doing well :)

Several months ago I came across the Italian cover of The Hunger Games which is, by far, the best cover of the book I have seen (remind yourself of its beauty here) and I wanted to share it with you. 
I have been thinking for quite some time to create a semi-regular feature to showcase some foreign book covers. As several features exist in the blogosphere on US vs. UK covers, I will focus on French and Italian book covers as I keep falling for their originality.

I am really excited to show you the Italian and French covers of the wonderful Charlie Higson books The Dead and The Enemy. You can check out my reviews of The Enemy here and of The Dead there.

UK covers:


Italian covers:

Only the children avoided the infectiousness.
Now they have to defend themselves against zombies.

Nowhere is safe
when Death is onto you.


French cover of The Enemy:
Either this is front and back cover or two different covers for the same book

They chase you
They kill you
They eat you

You thought that your parents 
would always be there to protect you...
You were wrong


I have never been much of a fan of the UK covers. I think there are too many things on them and nothing very striking comes out.
I really love the old school feeling of the Italian covers and how they remind me of old zombie films. I find that they encapsulate that zombie tradition but maybe they are not modern enough for younger audiences.
I find the French cover very attractive and better suited for a younger audience and I like the simpler design. 

What do you think? 
Which one do you prefer and which one would suit the book better?


  1. The Italian ones look so retro, while the French ones look like a psychological thriller cover, the UK one just looks boring, imo.

  2. French covers generally need to be improved... Often, they lack of originality... A quick look at the shelves of a French library demonstrates it. However, it is getting better. Publishers decide to have something more original and eye-catching.

    I do agree with Miel et Lait. None is my favourite though.


    PS: This is a really great idea. Looking forward to reading/viewing your next comparative selection of covers! ;-)

  3. Interesting exercise. Look forward to more!

  4. I like them all, but I think the Italian ones look like a new edition classic horror, you know what I mean?
