
Holiday readings!

Hi book lovers!

I am back from Italy where my diet consisted of pizza, chocolate and ice-cream and where I turned a cute lobster-y colour!

Part of my holiday was visiting some gorgeous places but another part was to read awesome books!!

I went back to Turin (I lived there two years for Uni), then I visited Milan for the first time and went back to the gorgeous city of Rome. 

Il Duomo (Milan)

Fontana di Trevi (Rome)

Colosseo (Rome)


I only packed my Kindle (I *love* my kindle!!!!) for the holiday (packed with books of all shapes and sizes - of course) as well as the book I was currently reading for Mostly Reading YA's Translation Month.

Real World by Natsuo Kirino is a Young Adult Crime fiction book written by a Japanese author. 
I had some issues getting into it at first and I really disagreed with how the teenagers inside the book handled the situations, but I was then impressed by the undercurrent themes in the book. From the day-to-day pressure from society to the loss of hope for the future, I found this insight into Japanese teenage minds really interesting.

Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz (Alex Rider #1)
This ebook was in promotion on Amazon and I kept hearing great things abou it so I impulsively bought it (well, duh).
It is action-packed and the plot is quite clever, definitely the perfect holiday read!

The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens
I was really excited to read this book and the story didn't disappoint. John Stephens really knows how to hook the reader and I thought the story was a great addition to YA adventure books.

I knoooooow, it took me ages to get read this book and I can honestly say that the hype surrounding this book isn't overdone - on the contrary!!
The book is even better than I imagined (and I loved the films and kept hearing from people how fantastic the books were).
A must read. Can't wait to read the two sequels. I *love* Lisbeth Salander!

Long Lankin by Lindsey Barraclough
Last book of my holiday reads which I just finished and I really loved how unique this story was. Fans of Sleepy Hollow and folk horror tales will love this!
One thing though: I haven't really been afraid (though I would understand kids would be) contrary to what everyone has been telling me!!

That's it! Reviews will hopefully follow as soon as I get organised and write them :D

I hope you had two lovely long weekends with the bank holidays.


x Caroline


  1. Thank you for sharing those amazing photos, Caroline :) Sounds like you had some great books in your suitcase, it's just wonderful to be able to carry all those books in one little gadget :D

    I've only ever read one book by a Japanese author, it was a YA thriller called Chain Mail Addicted to You by author Hiroshi Ishizaki. I enjoyed it and it made me want to read more books by Japanese authors :)

  2. Sounds like you had a gorgeous trip. Lovely photos. Glad to see you back.

  3. I'm glad you had a fab time, you got some great pics! Sounds like you read some fab books while you were away too

  4. I would have loved to do that trip with you :D Beautiful photos. So glad you are back <3 Missed you
