
World Aids Day 2011 - YA Book Bloggers raise awareness

Hi people,

Tomorrow is World Aids Day! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to organise a week like last year to raise awareness but you can go and revisit all the articles and reviews my fellow bloggers and I posted about HIV/Aids in young adult literature during the week (here)! We read books published in the 1970's and some more contemporary. Not only was reading a novel fascinating in itself, but seeing all those reviews also enabled us to see an evolution in how we perceive Aids.

There are now more people than ever living with HIV in the UK, according to the World Aids Day website, and increasing awareness on the issue is essential, especially to teenagers and young adults.

Here is the link to a non exhaustive bibliography of young adult novels talking about Aids/HIV which I compiled last year (do email me about books I forgot!). Reading a novel about HIV is a first step towards being aware of what the virus is but also how it feels like to live with it. People suffering from HIV often feel alienated because of misconceptions about how HIV gets transmitted.

If you have any interogations about HIV/AIDS, go over the World Aids Day website which gathers fantastic resources and links on the subject.

Have a lovely day :)

Caroline x

PS: I am currently reading Crossfire by Miyabe Miyuki for my Japanese teen novels week which will start next week.

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