
HIV/AIDS in YA Literature

Hi everyone,

The 1st December will be World AIDS Day.

To raise awareness on this issue, I will organise a HIV/AIDS in Young Adult Literature Week from 28th November to 5th December.
I will review books, post interviews and generally talk about this very important theme.

Here is a (non exhaustive) bibliography of Young Adult books which talk about HIV/AIDS. If you know of any book not present in the list, don't hesitate to comment or send me an email!

If you would like to participate by writing a guest post/review or posting a review on your blog, you can contact me (here).
Several UK bloggers have expressed an interest in participating in the week, and we will be trying our best to create an event in the YA blogosphere to raise awareness on this issue towards teenagers in particular.
All help is welcome, even just a book recommendation!

The lovely Sarah at Sarah's Book Reviews designed a logo which any YA (or not) book blogger can put on his/her blog:

BBC News has published a fascinating article (here) on explicit sex books helping "drop in Uganda's HIV rate". Thank you to Gillian Philip for her amazing post (here) on the issue and linking to this article.

I will update this page regularly and if you need any more information, don't hesitate to send me an email!

If you want more information on World AIDS Day, visit their website here